Welcome to Eweka!

Follow the steps below to configure your newsreader.

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Usenet requires a newsreader. Our top choice is NewsLazer. Download it for free below to get started!

Usenet requires a newsreader. Our top choice is NewsLazer. Download it for free to get started!

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Download It Here

Download NewsLazer

NewsLazer is made for desktop. An email has been sent to you so you can complete the download on your computer.

Click through the steps below and learn how to...


Install NewsLazer On Mac OS

1. Click on the installer: newslazer_3.1.2.dmg
2. Drag and drop the NewsLazer icon into your Applications folder.
3. Open your applications folder. Scroll down until you see the NewsLazer application and then double-click it.
4. Your computer may ask you for confirmation to open the NewsLazer application. Click Open to continue. If it does not ask you for confirmation, proceed to the next step.

Install NewsLazer On Linux


1. Open terminal Applications->Accessories->Terminal.
2. Go to your download folder cd /home/user/Downloads or cd ~/Downloads.
3. Make the file executable chmod +x newslazer-3.1.2-linux-x64-installer.run.
4. Run the file ./newslazer-3.1.2-linux-x64-installer.run. If the file fails to run, try to use sudo ./newslazer-3.1.2-linux-x64-installer.run with your password.


1. Find newslazer-3.1.2-linux-x64-installer.run in the file manager.
2. Right-click it and select Properties.
3. Then, select Permissions.
4. Allow the file to run as an executable.
5. Double-click newslazer-3.1.2-linux-x64-installer.run to run the file.

Install NewsLazer On Windows

1. Click on the installer: newslazer_setup_3.1.2.exe.
2. A Warning message may pop up. If it does, give permission allowing NewsLazer to continue the installation.
3. Complete the 3-step Setup Wizard to select your destination folder and finish the installation.

Download From Usenet

1. After you have searched for a file using NewsLazer, double-click the item to download it.
2. A prompt will ask you to confirm your choice. If you don’t want to be asked this again, place a check next to the Don’t ask me again checkbox. Then click Download to continue.
3. That’s it! You’ve successfully downloaded from Usenet. Completed downloads appear in your default download folder.



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Thank you for signing up with Eweka. If you have any other questions, please visit our FAQ page.